Stories of the American Dream

When immigrants leave their homes to come to the United States, it is not because they are expecting a free ride. They do so because they believe in themselves and they trust their dreams will be fulfilled.
Pablo Calonge — Everything changed with a click
""Every goodbye is sad. I remember perfectly the night before I left, partying with my friends. Then I went home to say goodbye to my parents, tears and hugs…I asked them not to come to the airport to say goodbye. I didn’t want to cry anymore."

This is how Pablo Calonge's story begins, as he remembers the night before leaving his beloved land, Spain. In 1995, Pablo decided to leave Spain to study for a year in Colorado. After completing his studies, he moved to work in Mexico. It was there that he met his wife.

Watch and learn more about Pablo's story, in this new episode of “Stories of the American Dream”. Find out what made him return to the United States, and how he plans to live in his retirement."
Luis Astorga — My Motorcycle
"I left Mexico looking for a better life. Leaving my family, my culture, all my friends was the most difficult thing. Smugglers got me across the border. It was not easy at all. I had to go through a lot of hardships, humiliations, real danger.

My first job was making roofs. I realized that the US was not an easy place, I would have to work hard. Now, I still do drywall and interior construction work framing, but now I have my own company.

I was 18 when I came to the US. Six years later I bought my first house. That was an incredible joy for me."
Jose and Carla — Welcomes and Farewells
"Jose – "I arrived in 1992, exactly on Holy Thursday, I remember it because the next day I had to work, and it was Good Friday…. In Honduras, we never had to work on that day. I had never worked on that day before, but with the need to earn some cash, I opted for working on Good Friday, Saturday, and Sunday."

Carla – "Twenty years ago… Everything changed. We were always thinking about going back to Honduras, but our son was born, and everything changed for us""
Beatriz Mendoza – Verses in the water
"Beatriz Cortizos loves her Colombian land as much as writing. When she was young, the heart of this poet and narrator, invited her to live in Argentina, because it was the land of Borges and Soda Stereo, but her reasoning led her to the United States.

She worked in all kinds of jobs until she managed to enter the communication world. Today, she writes verses and has her own pool cleaning company, along with her partner and husband. For Beatriz, her son Martin, has been the best gift that life has given her while living in the United States."
Ana Leon — When I left Cuba
"Leaving Cuba was so sad. In those days, when a person left Cuba, his family used to say, “I buried a family member,” because when you decided to leave, you knew you couldn’t come back, and you didn’t know when you would have any news of your family again.
The hardest job I got in the United States, was raising my children alone. I traveled from Venezuela to the United States because, I separated from my children’s father… I came to a new country, to start over again, learn a new language, and raise my children alone as a mother and father.
You have a lot of positive things in this country, but you must do your part."